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MATRIOSKA Lab-store is a really Cool place, rich in Creativity!

For me it was a "Love at first sight"! :D this gorgeous Jacket of RIFFBLAST Designed by Matteo Benassi.

MATRIOSKA is an Event that takes place twice a year in Rimini,

in very original locations.

The spring event was held in the large and bright structure

of an ex-slaughterhouse.

As in a Fairy tale, walking through the bright corridors and rooms will make amazing discoveries! :D ... the selection of Creative is extraordinary!

I met the fantastic characters Created by MATRIOSKA-DESIGN-Studio :-)

Continuing to walk I was in Grandmother's fairy-tale ! :D

...with the Creations of ALT MEANS OLD !

Behind the corner... I discovered the fabulous Creations of RIFFBLAST ! :D

...which in addition to precious painted leather Clothing,

realizes these Humorous POP Galactic Painters! :D ... I Love them! :-)

...And in this room what is it?! ?? Hosts the very original QUADRITOS by Brunella Tegas! :D ... genial ! :-)

...continuing to walk in the bright spaces of the location,

I saw interesting and beautiful Textile Creations... these Clothes of STUDIO SARTORIALE ... :-)

....and these Bikes? ... these are wonderful Re-Design Objects made with precious original Vintage pieces by RUGGINE CICLI :-)

The Ecology in Retro-Style and perfect functionality! :D

....Re-Design also for Music ! :-)

wonderful and poetic these Acoustic Speakers made by JESA Old-Fi

..and finally OPIFICIONIERAMI's Exhibition Space is special :-)

... a wonderful and modern combination of Re-Design and Fashion!

At MATRIOSKA Lab-Store Event you can Buy exposed Products,

participate in Creative Conferences and Workshops,

...and spend pleasant Nights with Music, Dirinks and various taste Foods :-)

MATRIOSKA's next appointment will be in December ! :-)

you can follow updates on the official website:

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